Overview ERC20


Total Supply:
6,230.94 PGL

Profile Summary
C-Chain (43114)

Txn Hash
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
96.27985848632262 PGL
156 days 23 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
5.59675999066939 PGL
156 days 23 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
96.27985848632262 PGL
156 days 23 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
10.077154137930963 PGL
493 days 12 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
0.45273207459772247 PGL
493 days 12 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
10.077154137930963 PGL
493 days 12 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
26.259728223688775 PGL
536 days 11 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
3.009246813918783 PGL
536 days 11 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
26.259728223688775 PGL
536 days 11 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
30.47771547017576 PGL
605 days 17 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
2.3973273527456094 PGL
605 days 17 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
30.47771547017576 PGL
605 days 17 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
100.40527328497157 PGL
631 days 5 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
2.6060803357599562 PGL
631 days 5 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
100.40527328497157 PGL
631 days 5 hrs ago
Withdraw And Harvest
100.40527328497157 PGL
631 days 5 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
4.142530598966641 PGL
645 days 6 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
0.39870215948148374 PGL
645 days 6 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
4.142530598966641 PGL
645 days 6 hrs ago
Withdraw And Harvest
4.142530598966641 PGL
645 days 6 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
15.911092238232417 PGL
646 days 12 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
2.4243570499186236 PGL
646 days 12 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
15.911092238232417 PGL
646 days 12 hrs ago
Withdraw And Harvest
15.911092238232417 PGL
646 days 13 hrs ago
Remove Liquidity AVAX With Permit
60.37538889635345 PGL
650 days ago