This token was deployed by the deprecated Avalanche Ethereum Bridge (AEB). Users may convert their existing AEB tokens using this bridge. The new token address can be found here.
Overview ERC20


Total Supply:
93.52 1INCH

Profile Summary
C-Chain (43114)

Txn Hash
Swap Exact Amount In
0.0001 1INCH
16 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.0001 1INCH
1 days 8 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.0001 1INCH
1 days 8 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.0001 1INCH
2 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.0001 1INCH
2 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634226964224 1INCH
2 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634226964224 1INCH
2 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.0001 1INCH
2 days 8 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.0001 1INCH
2 days 8 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634196183511 1INCH
2 days 13 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634196183511 1INCH
2 days 13 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634197683985 1INCH
3 days 1 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634197683985 1INCH
3 days 1 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634199184458 1INCH
3 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634199184458 1INCH
3 days 2 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634200684933 1INCH
6 days 13 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634200684933 1INCH
6 days 13 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634202185408 1INCH
9 days 13 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634202185408 1INCH
9 days 13 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634203685884 1INCH
10 days 5 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634203685884 1INCH
10 days 5 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634205186361 1INCH
10 days 13 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634205186361 1INCH
10 days 13 hrs ago
Swap Exact Amount In
0.000004634206686838 1INCH
14 days 13 hrs ago