Mystic Huemans

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Mimi hails from Nigeria in West Africa, a student of federal University of Technology studying statistics and currently in his third year.. Growing up in that part of the world is very tough especially being born into a middle class family.. He is the third child of the family and growing as a kid wasn't easy at all. But he was able to get his education right from the little money his parents raised from their small scale business.. They lived in a small apartment but got the maximum training required.. Born into a Muslim home and his parents always putting Islam first in his head and was raised in the ways and sayings of the prophet, like his dad will always say money isn't everything but your imaan (faith) really matters. Growing into the Nigeria system is really changing especially for a young boy who's interested in technology.. There's little or no adequate provision of social amenities like power supply, expensive data and so on...Nevertheless as a young and aspired guy trying to attain financial freedom he must improvise and face the challenges to become successful... He couldn't get everything he needed but the hunger for success kept him going. He never fancies 9 to 5 jobs, that's why he ventured into tech at the early stage. He always wants to earn a living from his comfort zone. It's a hard task considering the background he comes from and the mindset of his parents... He's working with so much passion right now and strongly believe in the long term growth. He wants to attain the financial freedom at a young age and help the younger generation who want the entrepreneur lifestyle but can't get their breakthrough just because of the circumstances they find themselves in. Make active decisions and put them right on track, He really wants to retire his parents so they can have time for themselves because it's been struggle all through.
Attain Freedom
Works too much
Hardworking and eager to learn
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