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Dante Alighieri has visited both hell and heaven multiple times, both in past lives and even in her current reincarnated form. She has seen the darkest corners of hell and did spend literally eternity in heaven. As Carl Jung said, a tree can only grow to heaven when its roots reach down to hell. This gives Dante a very broad perspective on the inner workings of reality and how to control it for her advantage. Having seen it all, she indeed sees life as a divine comedy and does not take it too seriously. Her amusement and curiosity of the unexpected are in balance, but she seeks out novelty more than anything else, sometimes against any rational justification. Rumors say, she once challenged a demi-god, but this has never been confirmed. The zombie attacks are an interesting playground for her abilities and she can't wait to challenge the masterminds behind the attacks. She is able to summon hellish objects from the darkest corners of the abysmal realms - sometimes against the will of the objects being summoned. When cornered she can change form, with yet unknown abilities.
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